Quote of the Day

Alex Gibney on The Exterminating Angel

“There’s something wonderfully comical and mysterious about it. In the meantime, everybody’s trying to sort of keep their poise in a completely ridiculous situation. So in a funny way, those early scenes were very transformative for me, because they have so many layers, and they were so mysterious and disturbing.”

Brian Herzlinger on E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial

“…[W]hen I left that theater, I just wanted to go in again. I’ve never done any drugs in my life, but I think that is what an addiction feels like.”

Henry Jaglom on 8 ½

“I saw it at the Festival Theater on 57th Street in New York, near 5th Avenue. What I remember most vividly was, it was dark. When I walked in, it was light. When I walked out, it was dark. And I’m a New Yorker and yet I had no idea where I was or which way to go—which way was east, north, south, or west. I was in another universe.”

John Dahl on A Clockwork Orange

“It was violence for the sake of violence. I’ve never been in a fight in my life. It’s completely foreign to me, but it just seemed like stuff of literature; something of another world and exotic in that respect.”