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Danny Boyle on Apocalypse Now

“It’s the greatest war movie ever made. There are greater movies that condemn war, but no film captures our abhorrence of war and yet the pleasure we get from seeing it depicted in the movies. That’s what’s extraordinary about it. It’s not just a war movie, it’s about the nature of cinema and why we go and watch it—that journey we want to make in the cinema.”

Bill Condon on Bonnie and Clyde

“Part of the movie is that it’s sexual. And this was the first indelible, overwhelming experience I had where I felt myself drawn back over and over again. I saw it easily six, maybe eight times. When it’s all so new to you, everything about the experience becomes powerful.”

Richard Kelly on Brazil

“I would call it one of the most profound social satires that has ever been filmed. It is unlike any film that has ever been made before or after. I would call it one of the most profound social satires that has ever been filmed. It is unlike any film that has ever been made before or after.”

Peter Bogdanovich on Citizen Kane

“It has cohesion and a kind of unity from an ensemble that’s worked together in theater and radio. He was able to get that subtleness, the way the actors played with each other, the overlapping, all of that. A lot of them were familiar to each other.”